Saturday, November 24, 2007

slander-casper -trebuchet-a reaction from Meryll Lynch

IntLibber Brautigan is again stepping up a slandering campaign. Here is the link:

All my friends know, I am Swiss. Some came to see me in RL Zurich, Switzerland. Amongst them casper Trebuchet.

Since I was myself a victim of a slandering campaign of IntLibber Brautigan, when he still was one of the best buddies of Luke Vandeverre, I know what damage this can do.

What we can learn about IntLibber Brautigan is, that he is obviously often wrong, like he was with Luke. Slandering seems to be IntLibber Brautigan's favorite activity. This time though, it looks like last resort. Last.

With his slander against casper Trebuchet he is about to break his neck finally.

Casper is a friend of mine from Switzerland. I met him personally. I own a RL business card of casper Trebuchet (of course with his real name and real business address). We email between our RL email addresses. We even do phone calls between our Swiss phone numbers.

I can proof, casper Trebuchet is all but from Canada.


IntLibber Brautigan claims to have tracked casper Trebuchet down to avatar JC Brink, from Montreal, Toronto, and Arkansas. That way accusing him of stealing USD 8000.- - this is slander pure and extremely damaging for casper Trebuchet.

Again - IntLibber Brautigan is totally wrong (and I am sure knowingly he slanders casper Trebuchet - because casper Trebuchet is still working together with Luke Vandeverre and as we know Luke is the target IntLibber tries to damage). And luckily he discloses his RL identity as sales argument for his shady companies. It will thus not be problematic, to track IntLibber Brautigan down RL and sue him for damages done by his slandering campaign.

Be aware, that a RL lawsuit against Michael Lorrey aka IntLibber Brautigan, from Grantham, New Hampshire is immanent.

Lets see, where he takes the money from to settle for the damages caused. This time he will not escape!

All investors shall take this as a warning.

Thank you for your attention!

Meryll Lynch


Samantha Goldflake said...

Our policy is not to comment on rumours originating outside of our stock exchange, but considering that IntLibber Brautigan accused me to be really Lindsay Druart, I can tell for sure that he's incline to accuse people just for the sake of it.

Samantha Goldflake
VSTEX Communication and Public Relations Director

Jim Jesus said...

He's lost it. I quit his company over this shit. His conspiracy theories and total bullshit rumoring and slander is what drove me to step down as VP of BnT.

I moved out here to California from Kansas and it was a good month long proses to find work and shelter and hauling my stuff across country. Still didn't stop him from thinking I was able to get online and fraud his little bank. He also claims i DDoS'd his servers as if I even know how to do such a thing.

If you need a character witness, i would probably be the best since i worked with him closely for quite a while.

best of luck,
Jim Schack
Fellow Victim