Monday, November 26, 2007

ANTI Slander and Libel group- blog created

We created a blog to discuss such issues which hopefully will help to prevent further slander and libel attacks or give helpful information to potential victims

ANTI slander and libel group is a non profit organisation


Casper Trebuchet

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Anti slander and Libel group

Defamations or “slander and libel” issues become more and more common in SL. Avatars import RL concepts into SL which include work, money, time and innovation. The boundaries between SL and RL start to vanish and thus new theories need to be developed how the law may apply to and resolve disputes in this cyber world. Defamation are a good example for such disputes as they became important lately and apparently continue to grow.

SL is based in California, USA and basically covered by the law of this state. However, as soon as SL and RL start to mix up a complexity is added as different country jurisdictions need to be considered which may vary significantly from each country to another.

However, it is important to realize that each defamation campaign creates victims. This is why we created a anti slander and libel group in SL in order to establish a knowledge database on defamation and provide first help to avatars which got victims of such attacks.

This involves:
Law advice - the more information we collect the better is the advice
Investigation - done by RL specialists understanding the problematic
Moral support – slander and libel attacks are very unethical strategies
Strategy development – help the victim to define a strategy
Anti slander support – be intermediary and initiate media support

The group can be found in SL under "anti slander and libel group"

Membership is free. Join or IM me if your are interested.

it is a small start but we hope can devleop some momentum, unfortunately I have to add, as a cyber world without defamations would definitively be more fun... also not very likely

and so there are two possibilities. Either there is nobody who is interested in this defamation subject which would mean that there is still some hope that SL is a "perfect" world or there is interest and then at least a discussion could start which may guide to some solution...I'm kidding of course

Casper Trebuchet


Saturday, November 24, 2007

IntLibber again

this time from myself.

Our abuse report to LL was sent.


Casper Trebuchet

answer from IntLibber to Meryll Lynch

Response to Merryl Lynch's accusations:

a) I never slandered Merryl Lynch, in fact I attempted to work with her/him/whoever, when Luke was busy banning and slandering Merryl for being outspoken against the draconian abuses of Luke (which included Luke denying Merryl's IPO for no reason, as well as denying an IPO Merryl had written for Shatter Roundel, one of my own residents).

b) I have openly admitted that I was grossly decieved by Luke and his lies to me about Anshe Chungs intentions with Shaun to, as Luke said, "buy out Shaun for 150k US to take over WSE" (I have the chatlogs for anyone to browse). Luke lied to me and used me to convince others, and used the deal he sought with me over the WTC as a shield for issuing himself massive amounts of HCL stock. I find it rather odd that Merryl would now be in Lukes pocket.

c) I have also openly stated that if Casper Trebuchet can identify himself to us, as not Jasper Touchet, then we will retract our statements. He has so far refused to do so, so we wonder what is being hidden. I have been given information that he is this person, however if those allegations are false, we will retract them. As I've stated, we've been lied to before (by Luke) and we've admitted when we've been decieved.

It is often hard to tell who is telling the truth in SL, all we can do is try to determine the truth as best we can. Those who stand openly identifying themselves tend to be more trustworthy, if Casper wishes to stand openly and be identified, then that is fine. Our information is that Jasper Touchet is still involved at WSE. He has refused to settle his RL debts (this was a contract in USD, not L$, so therefore does not count as "just a game" even under the loose rules of WSE).

One thing we do know for certain is that LukeConnell DOES know who Jasper Touchet is, but he is, like any thief, extending professional courtesy in keeping his identity secret. We challenge Luke to likewise open up with the truth.

slander-casper -trebuchet-a reaction from Meryll Lynch

IntLibber Brautigan is again stepping up a slandering campaign. Here is the link:

All my friends know, I am Swiss. Some came to see me in RL Zurich, Switzerland. Amongst them casper Trebuchet.

Since I was myself a victim of a slandering campaign of IntLibber Brautigan, when he still was one of the best buddies of Luke Vandeverre, I know what damage this can do.

What we can learn about IntLibber Brautigan is, that he is obviously often wrong, like he was with Luke. Slandering seems to be IntLibber Brautigan's favorite activity. This time though, it looks like last resort. Last.

With his slander against casper Trebuchet he is about to break his neck finally.

Casper is a friend of mine from Switzerland. I met him personally. I own a RL business card of casper Trebuchet (of course with his real name and real business address). We email between our RL email addresses. We even do phone calls between our Swiss phone numbers.

I can proof, casper Trebuchet is all but from Canada.


IntLibber Brautigan claims to have tracked casper Trebuchet down to avatar JC Brink, from Montreal, Toronto, and Arkansas. That way accusing him of stealing USD 8000.- - this is slander pure and extremely damaging for casper Trebuchet.

Again - IntLibber Brautigan is totally wrong (and I am sure knowingly he slanders casper Trebuchet - because casper Trebuchet is still working together with Luke Vandeverre and as we know Luke is the target IntLibber tries to damage). And luckily he discloses his RL identity as sales argument for his shady companies. It will thus not be problematic, to track IntLibber Brautigan down RL and sue him for damages done by his slandering campaign.

Be aware, that a RL lawsuit against Michael Lorrey aka IntLibber Brautigan, from Grantham, New Hampshire is immanent.

Lets see, where he takes the money from to settle for the damages caused. This time he will not escape!

All investors shall take this as a warning.

Thank you for your attention!

Meryll Lynch

This IntLib(b)er

The strange message below was just published on Unbelievable what we have to endure in this SL..its a kind of playing law and order the wild way.. Choose an avi you don't like what kind of reason doesn't matter and then acuse him of something and put some propaganda behind.. is life such easy in SL

the message was..

“MARKET WARNING: Lemur Invest CEO Fraudster
It has come to our attention that the CEO of Lemur Invest (WSE: LEM) is Casper Trebuchet, aka JC Brink. Casper Trebuchet borrowed $8000.00 US in June from My Second Bank to purchase his Commerce sims. When his bank was "frauded", he gave the sims to Lindsay Druart, rather than to the lien holder, M2B, and bailed on his debt to M2B. Now that M2B is BNT Financial, we intend to pursue foreclosure upon LEM for its CEO's debts to BNT.

BNT has repeatedly attempted to contact Casper Trebuchet, tracking him to Montreal, Toronto, and Arkansas as he has skipped out on creditors. Investors are cautioned against investing in a known thief. If Casper Trebuchet wishes to settle his debts with BNT Financial, we encourage him to contact IntLibber Brautigan soonest.”

Well, what should I say, IntLib(b)er apparently doesn’t like me too much, and Lemur kattas are such cute animals…lol

However, there is a slight problem. First I’m not JC Brink even not aka. Second it makes no sense to track me in Montreal, Toronto and Arkansas as I’m Swiss and also pretend to live in Switzerland, sorry also for my Swiss-Lindenspeak. Third, also I’m living in Switzerland which is famous among others things for its banking systems I never owned a bank and probably will never own one as this business is not of my like, also I know the business quite well because of professional reasons in RL. Forth Switzerland is a country of renters only 30% live in their own “castle”. I do but sorry, I never owned any SIM in SL and even dont have a premium Fifth Casper Trebuchet never was contacted by BNT, except last night with the following messages:

IntLibber Brautigan: (Saved Fri Nov 23 22:24:07 2007) I'd like to give you a chance to settle your debts with M2B.
[21:34] casper Trebuchet: what?

So what the hell is this? The outburst of a US Marshal with his colt and firing around..if you hit 1000 people may be also the bad person is among them...not funny this.

If IntLib(b)er is running his business that way, well this is his problem, to accuse others without even undertaking any research before and or speak before with the person in question…how should I interpret this …yuck

And oh, I forgot, WSE:LEM? You can read about on my blog or speak with my shareholders/clients at any time….

People like this IntLib(b)er are a thread for SL.

I expect an excuse


Casper Trebuchet
House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)

Monday, November 19, 2007

LWI - business report

The reviewing progress of listed companies at WSE continued and caused us to redefine our index. With 51 listed companies we decided to reduce our index down to 10 titles. However, we still plan as soon as possible to increase this number again up to 15 which we consider to be a fair minimum to simulate the market. Quite a few new IPO’s are waiting to get their approval. Together with the approaching release of WSE 4.0 we are optimistic to see LWI soon reaching its break even.

The restructuring resulted in an increase of the index. It stands now at 872. With some titles still in SPO we possibly will see further increases. However, we remind you that break-even is only reached if the index climbs over 1000. Compare also with the mathematical formula we give in our prospectus.

Share prices for LWI recently rose up to 79 $L because of some strange activities- reason that we asked WSE to halt trading. With an index standing at 872 investors can only expect to get 0.95 $L paid back per LWI share on 18th January 2008. Even if we anticipate bullish share values till then we think that actual share prices of >10 $L are rather optimistic.

Trading will resume in short time.

symbol, spotprice (18JUL), dividends, 24 hr average price (19NOV), branch, LEM:rating

RDX, 3.19, 0.038, 0.92, technology
DDE, 3.72, 0.432, 2.75, real estate, STRONG BUY
ETC, 0.92, 0.01, 0.97, environmental services
HCL, 1.84, 0, 1.18, financial services, BUY
HOT, 2.95, 0.379, 2.56, financial services, BUY
LEM, 1.6, 0.175, 1.50, investment banking
LGO, 0.81, 0.03, 0.51, technology
LLL, 1.87, 0.508, 2.00, construction
HUI, 2.48, 0.285, 2.00, technology
ALL, 2.55, 0.206, 2.16, real estate
(LWI10) 872.19

As always the index can be followed in real time on or on our blog.


Casper Trebuchet

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)

Our index doesn’t use weighted market capitalization because of missing free float. Unfortunately, but with the criteria below we believe to have selection criteria which are rather adapted to the situation and reflects the market quite good enough:

(1) Market cap (> 1.5 million $L)
(2) Free float (> 20%)
(3) Market presence (since three month on the board)
(4) performance till now (weighted, dividend included = positive)
(5) Business idea
(6) Management skill, communication
(7) Economic branch the company is active in
(8) Rating of analysts

Sunday, November 18, 2007

LWI - trading halt

Because of unusual trades and major changes in LWI we will apply but which are in favor of LWI shareholders we asked WSE to halt trading in LWI shares.

Trading will resume as soon as our monthly reporting will be published which hopefully will be tomorrow on 19th November 07. We hope you understand.


Casper Trebuchet

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LHH: Business report (15OCT07-14NOV07)

HCL shares traded in a stable range between 1.12-1.45 $L during the last four weeks and saw an upper peak at 2.63 $L. Lucky investors who bought LHH at IPO prices as the calculated pay back price rose up to 3.67 $L/share which is an increase of 367%.

The concentration process continued at WSE and volumes increased significantly. We wonder when WSE will lift their secret about WSE 4.0 but almost sure that this event will leverage the stock exchange market to new levels. HCL shares will profit from this development in the mid- and long term.

Statistics for HCL shares (period before):
Average share price in last 30 days: 1.18 (0.56) $L/share
Minimal share price : 0.48 (0.22) $L/share
Maximal share price : 2.63 (0.88) $L/share
Max. daily volume : 353’321 (600’000) shares
Min. daily volume : 8’150 (12’000) shares

Statistics for LHH shares:
Actual share price (24h): 3.41 (0.84) $L
Minimal pay back price: 3.674 (0.78) $L


Casper Trebuchet
House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH and LEM Knock-In WSEIndex/LEM IPO Booster as not approved IPO)
Analyst, WSE

============ reminder ==============
LHH is a derivative with call character on HCL shares. It freezes the highest share price of HCL once a predefined barrier is reached. See details in our prospectus WSE or our blog to learn more about it.

Spot date : 15SPE07 : 0.68 (1.70) $L
End date : 15MAR08
HCL at spot (15SEP07) : 0.68 $L
Barrier for HCL : 1.70 $L (passed on 26th October 2007)
LHH IPO issue price : 1 $L
HCL = 2.63 $L (status at 14th November 07)

pay back = HCL/ HCL spot * LHH IPO

minus management fee of 5%.

Monday, November 12, 2007

LWI - illegal results

Hello, looks as I overdid with this money laundering stuff, however, if illegal transactions are involved it is worth to be attentive and recently stories circulated about money laundering on another stock

But I guess SL is less imaginative and criminal yet, probably as the figures we speak about are in the lower digits… in exception of some penny thefts…yuck

The case I described was probably more an attempt to apply a pump-and-dump or chop stocks strategy to spread false information or signs in order to make a deal. Well, if you buy for 1.11 and can sell for 5.99 you really make a nice RL this is illegal in SL probably a kind of sport.

However, be assured that I keep an eye on my titles. I will take actions if I see similar things happen ..

For LWI the situation is more than clear. I agree it is penny share and has a very limited float. Both are dangerous factors to facilitate such strategies. But LWI is linked to the index LWI15 we calculate and which chart can be found on our blog It produces values in real time. Chart figures simply don't lie for LWI.. There is absolutely no reason why suddenly LWI should be traded 6x over its inner value.. For our other titles the situation is similar: LFB, LHH or LEM.

So my advice:

Before you buy or sell study the announcements, the prospectus and the market itself and then use your brain AND ASK QUESTIONS. I generally don't bite just beat from time to


Casper Trebuchet


House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH, not yet approved IPO LEM Knock-In WSEIndex and LEM IPO Booster)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

LWI - Strange things happen

We can speak about the real value of LWI:WSE of already mentioned before at actual values LWI is massively overvalued.

If you consider the formula I give in the prospectus of LWI you can only expect to get 0.95 $L /share back at the end of the period (18th January 2008) if you neglect the possibility that the index still may grow. However, actual share values are at 14.92 $L ! I leave it to you to come to a conclusion.

But there is something else I wanted to speak about. Today LWI had a volume of 21000 shares which mainly consisted in a trade where somebody bought 3650 shares repeatedly and sold them again (I suppose it was the same person as always the same number of shares were traded). He bought them for 6 $L and sold them for 1.11 $L in other word distroyed around 100'000 $L.

Well, unfortunately I don't have access to the raw data. But I really wonder as I think there must be a reason behind. Money laundering? We saw recently similar trades on CAPEX, also in a bigger scale. The amount we are speaking about is still small on the other hand if you do similar trades with other titles the situation becomes different.

Any kind of money laundering would be a worst case scenario for any stock exchange market within SL. So If somebody has a good explanation then please tell me as I really wonder. If it is money laundering we really should be careful about as it would be a question of time till RL would start to take some legal actions. I dont't think this would be fun for all of us.

Greetz from still the best of all worlds

Casper Trebuchet


House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH and not approved IPO LEM Knock-In WSEIndex and LEM IPO Booster)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

LFB: Dividend and report for October 2007

The weekly average of the basket is still low with 49.46 but comes close to the one calculated since 8th June 06 (=55.73). There is just a slight improvement needed for HCL and/or RDX and the trend for LFB is bullish again.

Situation on 5th October 2007 for LFB (compare also with our blog or prospectus):

HCL = 1.28 $L, weight =20
RDX= 1.06 $L, weight =20
SLM= 0.79 $L, weight = 4

Weekly basket value = HCL*20 + RDX*20 + SLM*4 =49.46

Average basket value (8th June-5th November) = 55.73
Spot basket value on 8th June = 73.76

Keep in mind that HCL was already at 2.63 $L last month and even higher in spring 07 and the volumes on WSE rebounded powerful after the summer depression what will generate profits to HCL.

RDX also has some potential, especially if they start to execute their new ownership program which they announced this week.

If shares of HCL or RDX would only climb 0.6 $L the value of the basket would bypass the value from the spot=73.76 and the shareholder would get a higher dividend.

The minimum dividend of LFB is 0.2 $L/share/month and was paid just before. However, a maximum dividend of 0.7 $L/share/month is feasible if the basket performs.


Casper Trebuchet

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH and LEM IPO Booster as not approved IPO)

Saturday, November 3, 2007


LEM want to expand its business into further not directly real estate related business in SL with high profitability.

Over a SPO at WSE we want to rise additional money and create 500'000 additional shares.

For the shareholder this means higher dividends and also a higher free float as LEM would only control 50.1% of its own shares.

LEM has a NTA of 3.506 $L/share (compare with financial report) and 1'500'000 outstanding shares right now.

The SPO will increase the number of outstanding shares up to 2'000'000.

The SPO price we see at 1.5 $L /share

Casper Trebuchet

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH, LEM Knock-In WSEIndex and LEM IPO Booster as not yet approved IPOs)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

LEM: Financial report (October 07)

NAV rose in October 2007 from 2.406 to 3.506.
Net profitability of equity after dividend is 7.63% /month
Dividend is 0.045 $L /share/month

LEM continued to develop its business and received as first company in SL the approval as analyst for WSE. Different analysis were made during October (DDE, HOT; RDX; HCL) others will follow. We also created a new IPO which actually is waiting to get its approval (LEM IPO Booster: LPB): LPB will work exclusively for start-ups and support them not only to pass the IPO barrier more easily but also to bring them successfully into the market.

LEM traded successfully. Unfortunately most of the companies didn’t resume dividend payments we are invested in or will do this in the following days. These figures will add to the next result.

Consultancy work was good, but couldn’t be expanded due to lack of avatarpower.

A big surprise to us was our newest derivative - LHH. As HCL touched 2.63 $L per share during the last 4 weeks the calculated value for LHH climbed up to 3.67 $L which is an increase of 367% since the end of the IPO! However, LHH has also a boosting effect on our liabilities. We also can see this development with a laughing eye, as if HCL find back to the high values it had before this can be interpreted as sign that investors gain back confidence… Our other derivative LWI which is an index of 15 selected shares which are traded on WSE shows a similar bullish tendency. It gained 25%.

We will continue to develop new financial derivatives expand our financial services for third parties and intense our activities to bring RL companies into SL.

Dividend was left at 0.045 $L.

Results for October (September)
Income ($L):
Financial products : 213'219 (428’744)
Others : 41'825 (62’000)
TOTAL : 255'044 (490’744)

Expenses ($L):
Financial Products : 124'600 (425'000)
Donation : 0 (0)
Tier : 6’000 (6'000)
Wages : 10’000 (10'000)

TOTAL : 140'600 (441’000)

Profit ($L) : 114'444 (49'744)

Asset ($L)
WSE : 4'081'959 (2'503'717)
SLCX : 961'797 (867’377)
DSE : 64’940 (62'000)
ISE : 43'665 (16'425)
Land : 6’000 (5’000)
Loan : 3’000’000 (3’000’000)
Cash : 164'022 (733'190)
Investment : 14’000 (14'000)

Total : 8’346'883 (7'201’709)

Liabilities ($L)
Loan : 3’000’000 (3'500'000)
Dividend : 87'500 (95’000)
Total foreign capital : 3'087'500 (3’595’000)

Constitutional capital LEM: 1’500’000 (2’000’000)
Constitutional capital LFB: 464’480 (1’000’000)
Constitutional capital LWI: 130’026 (430’026)
Constitutional capital LHH: 1'671'590 (454'941)
LEM Future Fund : 518’000 (498'000)
Reserves : 860'843 (509'518)
Profit : 114'444 (49’744)
Total equity : 5'259'383 (3'606’709)

Total liabilities: 8’346’883 (7'201'709)

Monthly dividend/share : 0.045 $L /month (0.045)
NAV 3.506 (2.406)

(1) General: LEM assets developed nicely, mainly driven by HCL but also through the other shares we are holding. We also have to consider the new fund of frauded companies –WTF- which brought back some of our “depreciations”- thank you Luke. The fact that Ginko failed is surely not fun for all the victims- especially those who sold their shares for low prices- however, it is a huge relief for WSE. Together with WSE 4.0 which development will come to an end soon we see a lot of potential for WSE and finally also for the WTF share holders. – I cannot stop to be optimist…lol

(2) Consultancy incomes are not stable. A matter of personal time we can invest as we also have a RL. VAT issues still don’t hamper us and different projects are in the pipeline.

(3) LFB:WSE recovered a bit, thanks to HCL. We dropped AIG, BNT and AMA from the index which leaves us with three titles HCL, RDX, SML. At actual share prices of 7.42 $L LFB has a profitability of >50% p.a.. At the moment the Index couldn’t really improve because we use weighted averages to calculate it which is slowing down the increase. On the other hand, if HCL continues to climb and RDX finally decides to reduce outstanding shares to do something for the NTA which is only 0.2 $L the momentum will soon be high again and interests of 7%/month still possible.

(4) LWI:WSE got reduced to 15 titles and found back to the bullish track. It increased 25% this month. We definitively feel that the economy in SL start to grow again.

(5) LHH:WSE beats all records. 367% increase within 4 weeks! Responsible was HCL which rocketed to a new 90 days high with 2.63 $L per share. The calculated value for LHH climbed up to 3.67 $L which is an increase of 367% since the end of the IPO! Logically also our liabilities rocketed to new highs which can easily be seen in our balance sheet. However, we are backed up by our reserves and HCL shares of course.

(6) LEM Foundation. We increased our presence on Etopia Island which is filling fast. Also we are not land owners we hold shares through our LEM Foundation. LEM will resume sponsoring of LEM Foundation and their projects.

7) LEM Future Fund (LFF): LFF has a portfolio of over 520’000 $L. LFF is a closed fund. Minimal investment is 10'000 $L and at the moment 25% are invested in bonds, 20% in project within SL, 5% in cash and 50% in shares. Inner prices are published weekly on our blog. This week a single part was at 1.13 $L which is an increase of 13% for the last three weeks.

8) LEM IPO Booster (LPB) : A new IPO we just set up. Objective is to concentrate our analytical activities here as well as to select and support promising IPO to go quicker through the IPO phase and help them to achieve their goals as fast as possible. Have a look at the prospectus and RATE LPB! We are also happy to have won Miles Market as Chief analyst. He is a financial expert in RL as well as SL and specialized in gaming and real estate.

9) Web: The web development is postponed for the moment.

Net profitability of equity after dividend is 7.63% /month
Dividend is 0.045 $L/share/month

Next report:
Next report will be published on December 2. Updates values for NAV, LFB, LWI and LHH are published on our blog (

In case of further questions please IM Casper Trebuchet

Casper Trebuchet
Analyst, WSE

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH, LEM IPO Booster as not yet approved IPO at WSE)

Stock market anaylsis

Miles Market joined our team as Chief Analyst. He is a financial expert in both worlds - RL and SL. He will reinforce our analysis work in gaming and real estate activitites. LEM is very happy to have him won to complete our team and wishes him a lot of success, satisfaction and fun in his work.

Casper Trebuchet


Market research : ALC

Outstanding shares: 20,600,001
Net Tangible Asset: L$0.272
EPS: L$0.004
P/E Ratio: 333.80
Monthly Revenue: L$673857.00
Monthly Expenses: L$581905.00
Monthly Earnings (Net Profit): L$91952.00

The land barons are dead, long live the land renting (but for how long)! I discussed this issue and a few more with Hannibal Kennedy CEO of Atlantis Land Corporation (WSE:ALC). First of all I’d like to begin with the business idea. ALC differentiates itself from the larger competitors, such as Anshe Chung’s Dreamland, through intense contact with its customer base. Many of them long term customers and happy with ALC’s ability to quickly resolve problems which might appear. The land renting market is not growing at its breathtaking rate anymore (some say it’s contracting), so there is a need to bind customers long term. This is what ALC wants to do, focus on its core competence, offering high quality renting space for reasonable prices with above average customer support. ALC does not want to diversify in other areas, such as land trading etc.
Until now ALC does not use big marketing campaign to acquire customers, they use classified ads sometimes, most of the new customers find their ALC property over the search and land sale tools in SL.

Let’s go further, look inside the ALC financials. I’ve estimated the cash flows for the next 12 months, and discounted those with 15% discount rate (risk free rate +market premium + SL specific premium) I know it’s quite a low assumption for a SL company, but let’s stick with it. For the October estimate I took the May 07 – Sept 07 average, it’s roughly L$ 184K. Now I projected a grow rate m/m of 2.5%. So I received the discounted cash flows for this period. Then I took the Oct 08 figure to calculate the residual value. Residual value and those discounted cashflows resulted in the fair value of ALC which is roughly L$ 16.9 Mio. Or L$ 0.82 per share.

Now this is one piece of the puzzle, another is the book value. All sims are valued at L$ 10.— per sqm, if you have a look at the linden stats - average land prices (from sales) are in the region of L$ 6.2597 per sqm (beginning of October to date). If you calculate the difference with the land that ALC owns, you get a not realised loss of L$ 1.96 Mio. or L$0.095 per share. So is your money at risk? The million dollar question is at which value were those sims bought, I have the figures form the oldest 5 sims, they were bought (combined at USD/L$ 270) at L$ 6.02, this is all money from Hannibal Kennedy. The 2 sims which were bought in May were valued at L$ 6.8874 – loss of L$ 82,279.--. And the last sim was valued at L$ 6.8008 – loss of L$ 35,463.--. That makes a total unrealized loss of L$ 117’742.--. This is not that much but with invested capital (from shareholder side) of roughly L$ 300K and dividends received of 4% or L$ 12’000.— an investor shouldn’t ignore it. It depends all on how the losses will be distributed in the future.

Another major issue is the looming opening of the server code. If the server side goes open source, hosting won’t be monopolized anymore and so server rent prices will fall rapidly, with them the value of the land. So think about it…

Rating Hold

Miles Market

LEM, Chief analyst

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH and LEM IPO Booster as not yet approved IPO)