Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Financial Report September 2011

LEM stabilized its position in the market and is preparing for further steps we want to take. LEM ended its month with a net profit of 18'847 $L which represents an increase since last month. The overall value of our portfolio (NAV) increased form 0.52 $L to 0.65 $L per share. Dividend will be 0.00628 $L (0.00577) per share.

The detailed financial report is given here.

Shareholder’s equity: 1'031'000 (777’504) $L
Profit: 27'049 (17’304) $L
Dividend: 9'424 (8’652) $L
1’500’000 shares, nominative value: 0.5 $L
EPS: 0.0118 (0.0053) $L
NAV: 0.65 (0.52) $L

----------------------- Figures in ( ) of last month

LEM used the month of September to extend its portfolio in order to diversify and to create a basis for our derivative products we are working on. However, the market is right now not yet calculable enough with new companies joining almost in a weekly basis and a high volatility. But we follow the market situation and have our radar focused on opportunities to invest.

LEM extended its stake in two listed companies during last period of reporting. There is EARN where we control now 200'000 shares and finally EVO with 100'000 shares. Both enterprises have innovative products and are on the brink to bring them on the market what should have a positive impact on their earnings.

As LEM bought those shares over the counter we had to pay transfer fees to CAPX. Also they were split between pruchaser and seller they still hamper our results as they are rather high (8'200 $L). The good side of the story is that we could get them for good prices.

During September we decided to increase our board of directors (BOD). We are happy to have win Venatrixx to join as CRO (customer relationship manager). She will support us in searching and evaluating new business opportunities and keep us motivated for further expansion... ;-) .. An important point if I read the sometimes hatred comments in the forum of the CAPX. HEY... wake up ... this is a game and should be fun ! Anger we can have in RL

Dividend will be distributed on 30th September 2011.

We have now offices at Capel. So if we are online there is a chance to meet us there. You will be more than welcome.

Thank you again for your confidence….If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The team of LEM:CAPX is expanding

The management team of LEM:CAPX is expanding.

We could win Venatrixx to become our customer relationship officer (CRO)... Her battle proven professional experience in this field for more than 10 years will strenghten our position on the virtual SL-market. We welcome her in our team...

THe actual composition of our Board of directors is the following

Casper Trebuchet aka Cas, Chairman
Venatrixx aka Vena, CRO
Lemy, mascot

Our next financial report will be published on 28th September 2011...


LEM:CAPX, chairman

Monday, September 12, 2011


CAPX considers LEM as "CapEx Licensed Stock Broker". A headline in captial letters but which need some explanations.

First, this license will help LEM to reduce its transactions fees (0.25%) which is only to the profit of its stakeholders.

Secondly. LEM will get an entry in the Stock Borker's data base. This is important for the financial products we want to develop. In other words it will help us to create added value for our brand and help to promote our new products.

And last but not least it is a honor for LEM to be considered as such by the CAPX...8-)

However, such honor was mainy possible related to the active trading of us during September 2011 which even created market marker commissions. We first had to find out what that means. And you will understand why, as LEM is NOT and shall NOT be a trading company. If we trade it is mere by chance and because other opportunites are taking more time then needed, so we have a slight overflow in cash. This retard is mainly because the IPO went through so quickly and not 30 day as we had expected. But we work hard to overcome this „problem“... so stay tuned and let's see...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Greek fund at CAPX - 80'000 shares sold

We have to inform you that the major shareholder of LEM:CAPX - Casper Trebuchet (aka Cas aka myself - sold 80'000 shares over the counter to one of the Greek funds today. So don't be surprised if you see a new important entry in our shareholder's list.

With that I still keeps the majority in LEM but the liquidity of LEM can increase in a meaningful way.

In the same time be informed that I will do a forward payment of 45'000 $L to LEM. That payment should be reimboursed over time and participate on the revenu of LEM. However, a small margin will be in favor of LEM, that is why both parties - shareholder and me as private "lender" will profit.

That forward payment will appear in the next financial report for September.

The money will be used to finance future projects.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Participation in EARN:CAPX

LEM:CAPX just increased its participation in EARN:CAPX. We hold now 4% or 200'000 of the outstanding shares what makes us to the third biggest investor in this company right now.

We consider this as strategic pariticipation in a company which showed till now a steady growth and a potential for further innovations like the new Dragons & Princesses game in SL which will become operational in the fall. We expect that this new game might contribute to an even stronger growth of the ROI of EARN:CAPX.

Our investment in EARN:CAPX is a major one for us in relation to the other titles we have in our portfolio. It might be seen as an important risk factor. However, as said this is a strategic investment for us and we have other plans in mind how we will use it. It is not our intention to push this participation further as we try not to have more than 5% of the outstanding shares in a company. New earnings will be invested otherwise to diverse our portfolio and to develop new products.

The overal dividend strategy will not change. As EARN:CAPX has a high EPS (Earnings per share) this fact will also contribute to ours. As outlined in our company brochure, LEM:CAPX is objecting to have a dividend of 1% per month paid whenever possible. The surplus will go into product development.

If you have further question then please dont't heistate to contact me


Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Office at Capel

LEM:CAPX has new offices in SL

LEM decided to move into own offices, as you can easily see in our side menu. During the following weeks we will put some meat on those.

So if you have time to visit in the coming weeks, please feel free to do so. We plan to give you there additional information about our projects and you also can inertract more easily with our team.

But again, please give us a couple of weeks for setting up. As I'm not often inworld and my IM get capped it is best to address me over my e-mail

You are always welcome
