Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Greek fund at CAPX - 80'000 shares sold

We have to inform you that the major shareholder of LEM:CAPX - Casper Trebuchet (aka Cas aka myself - sold 80'000 shares over the counter to one of the Greek funds today. So don't be surprised if you see a new important entry in our shareholder's list.

With that I still keeps the majority in LEM but the liquidity of LEM can increase in a meaningful way.

In the same time be informed that I will do a forward payment of 45'000 $L to LEM. That payment should be reimboursed over time and participate on the revenu of LEM. However, a small margin will be in favor of LEM, that is why both parties - shareholder and me as private "lender" will profit.

That forward payment will appear in the next financial report for September.

The money will be used to finance future projects.


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