Monday, October 8, 2007

LFB - divided and update

The average basket value reached a new bottom line with 56.78 which is 23% less then it was 4 months ago. The shareholder is still on the safe side and gets a dividend of 2%. It was paid just a moment ago.

As some companies in the basket undergo real difficulties we had to reorganize its composition and reduce the number of remaining titles from 6 down to 3.

We removed three titles:

AIG(:Capex) : AIG is simply a fraud of Sal Ackland/Investor Aellenvest
BNT(:Capex) : Delisted not only from WSE but now also from CAPEX and is not again traded yet
AMA(:WSE): Trading at WSE was halted again

The other titles got their weights changed accordingly.

Old (weight) = New (weight)
HCL (10) = HCL (20)
RDX (10) = RDX (20)
SML (2) = SML (4)

We stay optimistic about the future development of the economy and also the performance of the stock exchange markets as such. However, the development of the stock exchange markets was to euphoric in the beginning and what we see right now is just a needed correction phase to separate the good from the badly managed companies.

The reinforcement of the SL economy together with better companies and more adapted regulation will bring the stock exchange markets back to new highlights. Proof are the different indexes which start to climb again. WSE will certainly play a key role in this development.

Before I get too optimistic I say greetz and wish you a nice week

Casper Trebuchet

Analyst, WSE

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH, Lemur Knock-In WSEIndex as not yet approved IPO)

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