Saturday, October 27, 2007

LEM IPO Booster (LPB) - new IPO at WSE!

and waiting for approval..

There are too many IPO waiting for approval right now. As IPO's are an important factor in SL economy we have to find ways to make them more attractive.

One is to improve the quality of the IPO's and build up a financial polster which permits to realize them in short time. Finally, services are needed to support their first steps till they are profitable.

LEM:WSE developed quite a few experiences with company anlaysis but in the same time is constently struggling over conflicts of interest. You cannot analyse a company where you are engaged yourself financially.

To find a solution we created LPB (LEM IPO Booster) which is a daugther company under differnet management and focused on supporting IPO in order to bring them faster on the market.

LPB will :

- Analyse buiness model, comeptence of management team and future perspectives of IPO's
-Complete their management team if required
-Offer financial support and consultancy work

IPO will be supported till they become profitable and then LPB will refocus and reinvest profits into new projects.

We thinks this business model fits actual and future needs of stock exchnage markets in SL rather good and has devleopement potential.

If you are interested then have a look in the prospectus of LEM IPO Booster... thank you.

We also are interested to complete the management team, in first order the position of an CEO. If you are interested then feel free to postulate.

And as LEM IPO Booster is waiting to get approved ... rate it ...!


Casper Trebuchet
House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)
Analyst, WSE

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