Friday, September 7, 2007

LFB - dividend posted

we just posted our dividend which is unchanged from last month 2%.

The derivative is still running for 9 months. If we consider the actual share price of 7.21 $L/share the rentability of LFB is actually more than >50%. Even higher if we consider that the basket may rise and reach the maximum dividend of 7% per month.

Unfortunately, shares HCL, SLM and AMA (all WSE) and BNT, AIG (SLCapex)
goes through hard times right now. Will they ever become bullish again....?

At WSE investors are somehow paralyzed as financial reports about HCL/WSE are so rare that each bit of information is weighted in gold. And AIG and SLCap is dealing with liquidity issues...which isn't comforming either.

Or BNT? An example that the real estate market in SL doesn't work?

But as usual, there are also positive rumors, that WSE 4.0 may come, that SLCap could gain quite a bit new investors money.

If the positive trends are becoming true we are of course not unhappy - for our investors. For us also not I have to add...

Casper Trebuchet
House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)

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