Saturday, August 25, 2007

Be Swiss happy with HCL and buy LHH

Let me ask you some questions:

a) Will HCL pay a tri-monthly dividend this time (they should report on SEP-8th if they are not late)?
b) If yes will it be higher than before?
c) Will the marketing action of WSE outside SL be a success and bring in new investment?
d) Has WSE really potential to growth?
e) And if yes can it be estimated?

If at least one of your answers is yes you have to consider to invest in LHH.

The five simple questions I asked may not be very innovative, however, WSE should theoretically report their financial data in the beginning of September as the second trimester is closing for them. The actual share price is ranging only slightly over the IPO price of 1 $L and this after six months on the market which is surely not an euphoric result. Does the market know something we don’t …

Well, either WSE has really found a healthy level with reviewed companies which can create future momentum or stays sluggish or will fail. I’m not a prophet but this is the point where LHH, our newest derivative offers solutions.

Is buying HCL shares a risky business? LEM is believing in its performance either we wouldn’t have invested as you can see in the major shareholder list. But still, buying shares is always a risky business. Nothing is more annoying as possessing shares which doubled their value but staying in an illiquid market where you cannot cash them…

If you buy LHH you can avoid such troubles as you don’t buy the share directly but participate at their development with 95%. If there are bearish you get 95% of your invested capital back and if bullish you participate with 95% on their performance after the model we outline in our prospectus.

At the actual share prices of HCL the barrier for LHH will probably be defined as 2.4 $L/share once the IPO is sold off.

2.4 $L ! Go back in the history of the share price and think about volatility of the market. Then decide what you want to do. HCL theoretically should report on September 8 if they are not late.

And how do we cover our risk? We own already an important bundle of HCL shares and the money from the IPO is invested following our LEM strategy which is highly profitable, see last financial reporting on We will report again on September 2nd and already announced to pay a dividend of 0.045 $L/share for August.

Buy LHH and be Swiss happy with us…;-)


Casper Trebuchet

House of derivatives (LFB, LWI, LHH)

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