Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Financial report 2Q2012 - forecast

Our financial report (LEM:CAPX) for 2Q2012 will appear on June 30, 2012. Dividends will be distributed on July 3, 2012

The 2Q was a bit out of the norm because of the SPO we finalized successfully. This had a direct influence on our reporting with all the interim financal reports we have published. The SPO affected the treasury as we paid back our liabilities to third parties. However, things should come back to normal again for the 3Q.

The forecasts in our financial report seem to be realistic.Assuming that no unexpected extra revenu would occur till end of June.

Dividends should also correspond to what is given in the link, assuming that no interesting new investment challenges would be brought to CAPX which could motivate us to alter the pay out ratio, so that more cash would be at disposal for investments.

Casper Trebuchet
LEM, Chairman

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