Monday, December 26, 2011

Financial report LEM:CAPX, December 2011

LEM ended December 2011 with a net profit of 69’360 (33'700 $L). The overall value of our portfolio (NAV),evaluated at purchase prices, remained stable at 0.57 $L/share. Dividend will be distributed on 2nd January 2012.

The detailed financial report is given here.

Shareholder’s equity: 1'066'000 (1068’515) $L
Net Profit: 69’360 (33'700) $L
Dividend: 17’340 (12'906) $L
1’500’000 shares, nominative value: 0.5 $L
NAV: 0.57 (0.55) $L
----------------------- Figures in ( ) of last month

LEM continued to build up its portfolio. Diversification reached a level we feel comfortable with and what is in line with our business model.

We continued to increase our cash position during the last month. As said before, we are open to study upcoming projects of third parties and evaluate whether and how we could support those and bring them to success.

Our revenues experienced a remarkable increase through December. However such was related to extraordinary consultancy work in the field of business strategy management which came to an end last month. That extra income was mainly used to reduce the loan of Casper Trebuchet. We hope to see this consultancy business growing but if we say extraordinary revenu we mean extraordinary revenu … as coincidence we realized it over December and thus can be considered as a Christmas gift....

Dividend will be distributed on 2nd January 2012.

Thank you again for your confidence….If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Happy, healthy, successful and pleasant New Year to all of you and happy trading at CAPX....

Casper Trebuchet

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