Thursday, February 24, 2011

ITA and PLK : A new challenge?

We have been in a longer holiday from SL and virtual stock exchanges and that for different reasons, as had been outlined on different occasions in this blog.

However, it looks as LL has and even found back to some modest growth of its community if we believe recent statistical data. New life also was brought into the virtual stock exchanges as the three major ones merged into one -SLCAPEX .

The market size of Slcapex is interesting, and with almost 30 listed companies of some importance. We almost get remained on old times before the SL banking crisis had started in 2007. SLcapex also will offer a currency exchange which is an interesting option and create supplementary activities.

LEM has been a major shareholder in ITA since 2007 when the company was created. With the closer of VsTex the company moved to Slcapex stock exchange recently. ITA is a so called active holding. It holds some major participations, among them as key investment one in PLK, a company which is successfully active in fashion networking and this for different virtual worlds, like SL, but also Entropia and World of Warcraft. Additionally ITA offers marketing consultancy services to SL and RL companies.

As we know ITA quite well, we accepted to take a small active part in the society as member of the board of directors. That also means that LEM is keeping an important participation in ITA. For us the concept of ITA/PLK is very interesting as it is bridging RL with SL but without conflicting with actual RL regulation. We think that such projects have a lot of future development potential.

Right now we don’t have any further plans with LEM but we will invest some time to follow the development of LL.

The probability is therefore higher that you will meet us – and with us I mean myself...;-) – inworld from time to time…. I wouldn’t mind of course.
