Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Save our planet and get rich too?

Hello Avatars

LEM thinks that SL is a superb market place. A sandbox for testing free market theories and a place to push innovation to its limits. And we probably all agree that innovation is a key factor for a functioning economy in SL as well as in RL.

LEM doesn’t claim to be innovative-how could we? But LEM believes in the economic mechanisms in SL and that the innovation which is created here can even influence and stimulate RL. An excpetional framework such as this creates interesting opportunities which LEM wants to explore and bring to success in SL and whenever possible also in RL.

LEM is also persuaded that the SL world and economy will continue its impressive growth rates in the future. However, LEM feels also committed to doing something for our society. We not only have to learn to live with a changing climate and the related problems, no- mother nature can easily add some leverage factors at any moment which could easily amplify our problems such as droughts, volcano eruptions etc which will not make our life for the next generations easier. But I don't want to start a debate about the Myths of Akkad or climate the ruin of the Maya culture or similar. Our present-day environmental problems are extremely complex and linked to social and political systems, economy and nature. We probably cannot find solutions ourselves but we can sponsor interesting initiatives within SL. We are fully persuaded that SL can be seen as a kind of think-tank without cultural, political or other boundaries. An ideal place to develop new solutions without any restrains which will contribute to solving current environmental problems we have in RL or will have in the future.

But first, lets do some non-polluting business here..successfully so that we can develop the technologies we need for tomorrow.. and have fun doing it too!

Casper Trebuchet
Our offices:
Saya Sakai Inc. Mall, Evalua (182, 8, 39)

Come and visit us, you are welcome

And anybody with environmental projects in SL/RL is welcome to speak with us!